Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me!!

I am doing my own take of not me monday,thanks to mcMoma at this link:

Today was Torie's first full day of preschool. I would never wake up 30 minutes to start my new work schedule not me, I love my morning sleep too much. After that I made Torie's peanut butter and fluff sand which, while not forgetting to leave Paul a note that it was done....preventing him from later picking up the bread and realizing he had pb and fluff on his finger...nope NOT ME!! sorry honey!
Then off to work I went, printing statements that I know patients love to get, cause they call and tell me-they just use other words besides love, appreciate or thanks for taking care of me while I was very sick, recovering from that surgery that stopped the pain or delivering my newborn! lol. I would never be sarcastic or say my sarcasm if free, nope not me!
I finally got to pick up Torie and I couldn't wait! When I walked into the room, I saw her eating burst actually. I didn't wait until a teacher was there to ask if she was eating candy...not me. Sorry, just my thoughts. I don't give her candy often. We made a quick trip to see Daddy's work before coming home. Torie had a wonderful day at school-pre school as she corrected me. She even came home singing a new song! On our way home I told Torie I was happy that she had a good day and she said "Victoria's happy"! How wonderful to hear. Unfortunately, soon after we got home her nose got stuffy and her eyes red. When I asked if her nose felt yucky, she said "no. my head feels yucky" as she put her hand on her head! Poor thing. Sinus pressure is not fun. That meant Tylenol and early bed time. and as a matter of fact, I haven't heard a peep out of her since and it's now 8:45. I am sad that I missed a very important first soccer game...I really am sorry Kali! hopefully we can make it to the next home game!! and I won't bring my camera with my big lens, nope not me! I'd never carry my camera to take pics of my favorite niece playing soccer, never!
well, tomorrow brinsg another day, getting up at 5:30 and leaving work at 4...I can totally get used to leaving at 4 pm...but getting up at 5:30 am? hardly! Hope everyone enjoyed their day!
God Bless!


Tanya said...

I hope Miss Victoria is feeling better!!! Is she loving school as much as Olivia is? Olivia gets nervous in the mornings and won't get down so I can leave. She has to go to Mrs. Glenda or Mrs. Tina first...Bless it... Talk to you soon.

Tanya said...

By the way, am I calling her the wrong name? It is Victoria isn't it?? Do you guys just call her Torie for short or am I an airhead? Ha! :-)